Grace Hill Settlement House was our April recipient of our Jean’s Because program. Grace Hill Settlement House works in partnership with neighbors and stakeholders to identify the social and economic challenges in North and South St. Louis, and establish families and communities that are strong and self-sustaining.
Through multiple hub-like locations, thousands of St. Louis residents are impacted each year by the multitude of resources and services that Grace Hill Settlement House offers which include early childhood, youth and family supports, aging and special needs, and community and economic development.
The Settlement House Movement began in America in 1889 with the work of Nobel Peace Prize winner Jane Addams, who founded the Hull House in Chicago which was modeled after the Toynbee House in England. The movement, locally, nationally, and internationally, strives to create a strong core within communities which supports and improves the social and economic status of individuals and families. The goal is to reduce barriers and increase opportunities for equitable participation in the pursuit of the American Dream, while engaging people in defining their course toward self-reliance at the individual level and interdependence at the community level. The work of the movement in the United States is produced by more than 750 settlements and millions of volunteers.