Community Outreach
One of the core values at The Daniel and Henry Co. is our commitment to the community in which we work and live. We proudly serve our community through our Community Outreach Program.
The Community Outreach volunteers, known as the Community Care Crew, assist outstanding organizations and agencies that deliver critical services for those in need. We appreciate these organizations and our employees who serve them.
Current Activities
Never underestimate the power of a great team. And, thanks to all who participated to make this event a huge success. This fabulous team from D&H processed a total of 816 pallets/cases, or a total of 22,685 pounds (yes, 11.34 tons)! And, they did it all in just 3 hours. Their efforts helped provide 18,518 Meals for the hungry.
Activity Archives
On September 3, 2017, The Daniel and Henry Co. sponsored The Alberico Scholarship Foundation ~ Mangia Fest ’17. Established in 2007 by the family of MArtin and Julius Alberico, brothers of Marc Alberico (one of our Chicago Producers), The Alberico Scholarship Foundation seeks to improve the path to education for deserving college-bound students through the administration of educational grants to those who exhibit both talent and need. The Alberico Scholarship Foundation has been able to award $45,000 in assistance over the past decade.
The event is fun, family oriented, extremely tasty, and most of all raises money for a worthy cause.
On August 31, 2017, The Daniel and Henry Co. Commercial Client Services and Commercial Lines Departments donated basic need supplies that were collected for Houston’s Hurricane Harvey relief. Pet food, diapers, canned food supplies, pillows and blankets were among the supplies donated.
Dave Kosanke, owner of AdvantaClean, and his crew loaded up their trucks, vans, and RV with their tools and donations. Their first stop in Houston was to unload St. Louis donations at the Red Cross and Animal Rescues.
On June 27, 2017 a donation of $5,000 to St. Louis Area Foodbank was made possible by The Daniel and Henry Co. and the Nationwide Insurance Co. Partners in Giving Program.
Food banks work closely with food manufacturers, farmers, grocery chains and other food suppliers to maximize the food available to hungry families. The St. Louis Area Foodbank has been feeding people since 1975. They serve those in need throughout the St. Louis Bi-State area through more than 500 Food Pantries and Agencies in an effort to end hunger.
A group of Daniel and Henry volunteers participated in the Girls on the Run 5k event, held on Saturday, May 13, 2017. More than 300 volunteers are needed each spring and fall to ensure a safe and fun event.
Girls on the Run St. Louis (GOTR-STL) empowers girls for a lifetime of healthy living. Their international mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
During the month of March, the employees and brokers of The Daniel and Henry Co. found time to do a little spring cleaning. On April 3rd, a collection of items from The Humane Society Wish List was delivered for immediate use. Tubs of blankets, sheets, towels, pet beds, bowls, collars, leashes, and more were donated in support of the animals and The Humane Society of Missouri.
“Men will be just toward men when they are charitable toward animals.” Henry Bergh, Founder of the American Humane Movement
On Monday, February 6, 2017, The Daniel and Henry Co. delivered a collection of over 375 gifts of jewelry to Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services. The donation inspired the site directors to throw a Valentine’s Day party, providing a special event for the children.
Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services has been helping struggling children and families since 1914. They give kids a safe, loving place to heal and to grow when their families can’t provide that. They also offer extra support like therapeutic mentoring; foster care case management and in-home family therapy that helps families withstand and overcome any challenges together.
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Care Crew Day at Forest Park
On Friday, September 21, 2012, The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Outreach “Care Crew” volunteered with Forest Park Forever and performed some fall park “gardening” chores which include mulching all of the trees in the area surrounding Steinberg Rink. The thirteen volunteers spent the morning with wheel barrels and rakes under the supervision of devoted Forest Park Forever employees. The D&H Care Crew were happy to do a small part to help keep Forest Park a beautiful place for all to enjoy.
Forest Park Forever was founded in 1987. Their mission is to restore, maintain, and sustain Forest Park as one of America’s great urban public parks, for the enjoyment of all ~now and forever~.
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Care Crew Day at St. Louis Area Foodbank
On Friday, October 12, 2012, a group of 13 volunteers with The Daniel and Henry Co. worked in the Repackaging Center of the St. Louis Area Foodbank. More than 28,000 pounds of donated personal care products were sorted and boxed, in preparation for distribution to area families, children and seniors.
The St. Louis Area Foodbank began its service to the community in 1975. Each year they gather and distribute millions of pounds of food and personal care items. The Daniel and Henry Co. is proud to be their partner in service, providing support to St. Louis City and 25 bi-state counties.
The Daniel and Henry Co. & Fireman’s Fund Heritage Grant
The Daniel and Henry Co. and Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company are partnering to award a $5,226 grant to the St. Louis Fire Department for their carbon monoxide alarm program, enabling firefighters to distribute carbon monoxide alarms to those in need.
The grant is part of a nationwide philanthropic program funded by Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company to provide needed equipment, training and educational tools to local fire departments and burn prevention organizations. Since 2004, Fireman’s Fund has issued grants to nearly 1,900 different organizations totaling more than $29 million – including more than $1 million in Missouri. Through the program, independent insurance agents and brokers that sell Fireman’s Fund products, like the Daniel and Henry Co., are able to direct these grants to support the fire service.
“We can’t think of a better way to support the community,” said Colleen Signorelli of The Daniel and Henry Co.
The Daniel and Henry Co. & The Martin G. Alberico Scholarship Foundation Ravioli Festival
On November 10, 2012 The Daniel and Henry Company sponsored the Second Annual Martin G Alberico Scholarship Foundation Ravioli Festival!!! The event raised $14,000 for scholarships to college bound, high school seniors.
Martin G. Alberico was the loving brother of Marc Alberico (Chicago Producer) and loving Uncle of Michael Burke (husband of Maureen Burke, Chicago Account Manager). The Martin G. Alberico Scholarship Foundation seeks to improve the path to education for deserving college students, through the administration of educational grants to students of talent, and merit, in need.
The event was attended by a number of the Chicago producers and support staff. Upon entering there was a silent auction set, including sports memorabilia, event tickets, art work and gift cards for trips and vacations. Marc’s nephew, Matthew Alberico, emceed a live auction and the bidding for the golf outings was out of control, round of golf for three at Whistling Straits, with the fourth being the club pro, brought $2,000! The DJ played a wide range of music, which kept everyone moving.
Marc and Maureen both slaved under Michael’s direction (he is a Chef in downtown Chicago at Piccolo Sogno) making a gigantic homemade feast of 900 cheese raviolis, 400 meatballs, 200 Italian sausages and 3 vats of Meat Sauce. Their efforts were not in Vain! The Food was AMAZING.
The meal was served by volunteers from Mt Carmel, high school. We started out with an arugula salad, which included Maureen’s signature pickled Fennel, YUM! I have never eaten fennel and thanks to Maureen, I am now addicted. Then the meats balls and sausage was brought out. All conversation ceased. While we gorged ourselves on those dishes the Raviolis were placed on our table. Every single one was bursting with cheese. I could not have ordered and better meal anywhere in Chicago. Since it was for a good cause everyone was more then willing to eat their fill plus some.
The event was fun, family oriented, extremely tasty and most of all raised money for a worthy cause. All in all, it was a complete success. We look forward to the 3rd annual Ravioli Fest next year!!
The Daniel and Henry Co. Annual St. Patrick’s Center Contribution
For the 15th consecutive year, employees at The Daniel and Henry Co. have made an annual contribution on St. Patrick’s Day to the St. Patrick Center. Contributions come primarily through the agency’s “dress down” day where employee pay to don their “wearing o’ the green” attire while making a donation to a very worthy organization. A check for $375 was presented to them by Monica Billups, Human Resources Assistant Manager who leads the fund raiser every year.
St. Patrick Center is the largest provider of homeless services in Missouri and provides opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity to persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
April 30, 2011 – Daniel and Henry Community Care Crew volunteers for Missouri Special Olympics
The Daniel & Henry Community Care Crew had over 25 volunteers assisting with 75 track events and a Victory Village booth. Volunteers in Victory Village entertained athletes with carnival type games in between events. Athletes received popcorn and various prizes for their participation. Dan Friehs and Joyce Williams, coordinators for the Community Care Crew volunteers praised the competitive spirit of the athletes and the warm hearts of the firm’s volunteers. “Today, everyone is a winner.”
The Daniel and Henry Co. raises $1,532 for the Arthritis Foundation
The Arthritis Walk® is the signature fundraiser for the Arthritis Foundation. It’s not just an event, it’s a celebration of year-round movement to help prevent and treat arthritis.
Every year the Foundation gets together to celebrate movement and make a positive impact on the lives of people living with arthritis by raising funds for arthritis research, education and life improvement programs in 250 communities across the country.
The foundations rallying cry, Let’s Move Together® encourages people to get up and get moving.
For the fourth year, The Daniel and Henry Co. employees became part of a community looking to achieve better health and change lives by participating in the 2011 Arthritis Walk held in Forest Park on Friday, May 13th
For more information on the Arthritis Foundation:
The Daniel and Henry Co. Donates to Angels’ Arms
Angels’ Arms is dedicated to providing and supporting loving homes for foster children by keeping brothers and sisters together within a nurturing family until a forever home is found.
In existence since 2000, Angels’ Arms has changed the lives of close to 200 children, including over 50 sibling groups, by providing them with a loving home and allowing them to thrive in a happy, functional family setting.
Through The Daniel & Henry Co. Community Outreach program Angels’ Arms was recently provided with much needed baby clothes, blankets, shoes, socks, bath and face towels, baby food/bottles, Pampers and Pull-ups. The families were thrilled with the contributions!
For more information on Angels’ Arms:
Acknowledgement Letter – May 2011
Safeco Insurance Grant Award – August 2011
The Daniel and Henry Co. Partners with Dairy Queen for the Children’s Miracle Network
The employees of Daniel and Henry in partnership with Dairy Queen helped raise more than $225 for the Children’s Miracle Network! Dairy Queen shared part of the profit from all Daniel and Henry orders with the Children’s Miracle Network!
The Daniel and Henry Co. and Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
The D&H Community Care Crew spent a day working at Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition’s “Refresh” store in Brentwood on 11/4. Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition is a non-profit agency, founded in 1989 whose work includes recruiting foster/adoptive homes and providing a wide range of resources for the children and foster parents. The REFRESH store is a unique concept which operates as a business selling upscale used clothing for teens and allows foster children to shop at highly discounted prices.
The D&H Crew learned all about the work of this great organization and put in day’s work sorting and labeling clothing. Everyone was inspired by the enthusiasm and passion of everyone associated with this great organization.
The Daniel and Henry Co. Presents Loving Hearts Outreach $1,000
The Daniel and Henry Company, presented Loving Hearts Outreach a check for $1,000 provided through a grant from Safeco Insurance Company. Loving Hearts Outreach is a not-for-profit organization serving Franklin County, Missouri which is supported through churches, schools, organizations, businesses, and individuals. The support they receive make it possible to provide families and individuals who are in need of assistance due to abuse, disaster, medical needs, and poverty with food, clothing, shelter, minor household repairs, and medication. Sandy Crider founded the center 16 years ago and continues her devotion to the community she servers. Her niece and D&H employee, Stephanie Rorabacher, nominated Loving Hearts Outreach for a grant made available through Safeco Insurance Company, a Liberty Company.
The Hartford Financial Services Group Makes Donations in the Name of The Daniel and Henry Co.
In recognition of the valued partnership between The Daniel and Henry Co. and The Hartford Financial Services Group, generous donations were recently made in the name of The Daniel and Henry Co. to two worthy groups.
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) – This group provides needed assistance, comfort, and support to the men and women of our armed forces who have been severally wounded in our current military conflicts as these heroes undergo treatment and rehabilitation.
YMCA- For over 160 years, the “Y” has been the heart of community life in our country with more than 21 million citizens annually taking advantage of its programs with over 40% of this number being made up of the 18 and under age group. Its long-standing youth development programs have been and continue to be instrumental in strengthening of our children, families, and communities.
The Daniel and Henry Co. enjoys a long-standing, successful partnership with The Hartford and is grateful and appreciative of their making these worthwhile donations on our behalf to these programs in the St. Louis area.
Wounded Warrior Project Contribution Letter
YMCA Contribution Letter
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Care Crew Assists Ursuline Provincialate
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Care Crew had another successful day helping Ursuline Provincialate in Kirkwood. The Ursuline Provincialate welcomed our offer to bring our Care Crew to help them do various housekeeping chores at the Kirkwood administration campus including painting, window washing, gutter cleaning and some yard work. It was a very hot day but everyone pitched in and worked hard to bring the project to quite a satisfactory conclusion. The Nuns were thrilled!
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Care Crew Assists Humane Society of Missouri
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Care Crew had another successful day at the Humane Society of Missouri’s Longmeadow Rescue Ranch. Longmeadow Rescue Ranch is a safe haven for hundreds of abused and neglected horses, cows, goats, pigs, ducks and other farm animals. The team assisted with stall and barn clean up, fence painting, hay bailing and other needed projects.
In addition, the Daniel and Henry Employees delivered much needed dog and cat supplies for the Humane Societies Macklind Avenue Branch.
Family Resource Center – “Shop for an Angel”
The Daniel and Henry Co. Community Outreach Team adopted five families through Family Resource Center. With the generosity of D&H associates, donations of toys, books, games, clothing, and more were provided to help make it a happy holiday for these families in need.
Family Resource Center provides supportive care to approximately 10,000 children and parents in the St. Louis area each year. Their mission is the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect.
For more information on the Family Resource Center, click here.
St. Louis Independent Insurance Agents Clothing and Toiltery Drive
The Daniel and Henry Co. associates support St. Louis Independent Insurance Agents annual clothing and toiletries drive with donations to benefit St. Patrick’s Center. The event was very successful with contributions exceeding any prior year.
St. Patrick’s Center is the largest provider of homeless services in Missouri, with more than 20 programs assisting more than 9,000 persons annually who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They help individuals and families move from homelessness to independence in a measurable, cost-effective manner.
For more information about St. Patrick’s Center, click here.
The Daniel and Henry Co. Donates to Susan G. Komen Foundation
The Daniel and Henry Company, in partnership with America First Insurance Company, presented the Susan G. Komen Foundation with a contribution of $3,830. The check was presented to Executive Director, Helen Chestnut, at Daniel & Henry’s office. America First, through their “Pay it Forward” program awards funds to their agency partners for a charitable donation to a chosen organization. Susan G. Komen welcomed the donation.
Angels’ Arms Back to School
The Daniel & Henry Community Care Crew provided Angels’ Arms with backpacks filled with school supplies for elementary, middle, and high school children to start their 2009-2010 school year. The families were thrilled with the contributions!
Angels’ Arms is a St. Louis based, non-profit organization dedicated to providing loving homes for foster children by keeping brothers and sisters together within a nurturing family.
For more information about Angel’s Arms, click here.
Grace Hill Settlement House
The Daniel & Henry Community Care Crew completed a spring clean-up at the South St. Louis Head-start facility of Grace Hill. Our associates spent the day doing yard work, cleaning fences, and giving the play yard a fresh spring update. It was a productive day which provided joy to our associates and the children.
Grace Hill Settlement House works in partnership with neighbors and stakeholders to identify the social and economic challenges in North and South St. Louis, and establish families and communities that are strong and self-sustaining. Through multiple hub-like locations, thousands of St. Louis residents are served each year. Services include early childhood, youth and family support, aging and special needs, and community and economic development.
For more information about Grace Hill Settlement House, click here.
Corey Schuster Develops Coupon Book to Assist the Hungry
04.09.2009 3:30 pm
Save money dining out and help a local food pantry
By Susan Weich
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Last November, I wrote a column about Corey Schuster, a former Marine living in O’Fallon, who had made it his personal mission to insulate needy children during the holiday season. He took a fresh look at the Marine Corps’ 60-year-old Toys for Tots campaign and came up with an idea to boost local gift giving and stimulate the economy. Every person who dropped off a new, unwrapped toy at one of 11 participating restaurants in the metro area got a $5 gift certificate for an eatery in return.
Now he’s at it again — this time with an idea to benefit the St. Louis Area Food Bank. He’s put together a cookbook/coupon book of more than 100 local family-owned and operated restaurants. Each restaurant has one page; on the front it the recipe and on the back is its history.
For their inclusion in the book, the restaurants agreed to offer either a free kids meal or $5 off an adult meal. Starting May 1, consumers can buy the book and its $500 worth of coupons for $15. All of the profits from this project will go directly to the St. Louis Area Food Bank. Schuster’s goal is to get $100,000 in donations to the charity.The books will be sold at enjoyalocal.com, stlfoodbank.org and inside each of the participating restaurants.