In the event that you actually have to use your insurance and file a claim, The Daniel and Henry Company knows that you will have a lot on your plate. The last thing you need is a long, drawn out personal claims process. That’s why we make it easy for our clients.
Our Personal Insurance Services Professionals are committed to helping you with every step along the way. We strive to provide exceptional customer service at the time of a claim. Our claim promise to you is:
· Advocate on your behalf with the insurance company
· Professional and timely service
· Commitment to communication throughout the claims process
· Assistance in the negotiation of a prompt and fair claim settlement
· Total satisfaction
The Daniel and Henry Company also partners with vendors to assist with claim prevention strategies and solutions. These strategies and solutions (which can also be found on our website) include some of the following:
· Dwelling replacement cost analysis
· Water leak prevention systems
· Hurricane, wildfire, tornado and earthquake readiness
· Personal security consultative service
· Post lost mitigation strategies
We know not all catastrophes happen during business hours – for your convenience, we have after-hours claims resources available. In the event of an emergency, Daniel and Henry has also created a list of vendors, with services ranging from car rental to roofing companies to tree removal services.
Disasters always seem to strike at the worst possible time. Does your insurance provide you with superior customer service and a simple way to submit your claims? If would like to know more about The Daniel and Henry Co., contact our insurance and risk management professionals today!