Jeans BeCause – Eugene Field House

One of our September Jeans BeCause recipients is Field House Museum.  The Field House Museum is a dynamic museum and historic site focused on the Field family. The historic house was once the home of Roswell Field, noted St. Louis attorney, and the birthplace of his son, Eugene Field, the “Children’s Poet.” While living in the home, Roswell Field became the key attorney in the Dred & Harriet Scott Freedom Suit when he formulated the legal strategy that propelled the ...

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Jeans BeCause – Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition

Our December Jeans BeCause recipient is the Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition.

The Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition strives to create permanency in every foster child’s life by recruiting and supporting foster and adoptive families in the St. Louis metropolitan community.  This is a non-profit organization founded in 1989. They help connect all other resources to help foster families find a permanent home and encourage adoptive families.  They provide 24-7 Help Crisis Intervention services for pre- and post-adoptive/guardianship families in  St. Louis ...

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Jeans BeCause – Empac Group

Empac Group was our December Jeans BeCause recipient.  Empac Group is a not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to employ persons with developmental, mental, and physical challenges in Franklin County. Their workshops help their employees develop themselves as workers, with the goal to help them excel as far as their desire and ability can take them until they are of retirement age. 

Empac Group employees provide contract and sub-contract labor for over forty businesses in a 50-mile radius of Washington, Missouri. They ...

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Footer Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec euismod nulla sit amet est viverra convallis. Proin vestibulum eros sit amet justo auctor ultricies. Duis libero dui, semper et cursus eu, vulputate eget eros. Vivamus tincidunt magna eget quam luctus dictum tristique.

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Community Outreach

One of the core values at The Daniel and Henry Co. is our commitment to the community in which we work and live. We proudly serve our community through our Community Outreach Program.

The Community Outreach volunteers, known as the Community Care Crew, assist outstanding organizations and agencies that deliver critical services for those in need. We appreciate these organizations and our employees who serve them.

Click here to view what else our Community Care ...

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November 08, 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec euismod nulla sit amet est viverra convallis. Proin vestibulum eros sit amet justo auctor ultricies. Duis libero dui, semper et cursus eu, vulputate eget eros. Vivamus tincidunt magna eget quam luctus dictum tristique ante vestibulum. Fusce in bibendum nisi. Fusce ut dolor ut neque auctor interdum a et lacus. Praesent eleifend, diam at accumsan fringilla, felis dui aliquet odio, vel feugiat purus mi at tortor. Lorem ipsum ...

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For Business

We at The Daniel and Henry Co. recognize the many types of exposures you face in managing your business.  Our dedicated group of professionals work closely with stable, innovative and financially sound insurers to provide your business with comprehensive coverage and cost-effective insurance and risk management solutions.

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