Jeans BeCause – CASA of Cook County

Our July Jeans BeCause recipient was CASA Of Cook County, Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children.  The CASA vision is to protect children who have experienced neglect and abuse by providing them a voice in court, a safe and permanent home, and an opportunity to grow, learn and thrive.

For nearly 30 years, CASA of Cook County has been training diligent, committed, everyday citizens to stand up for children in the foster care system who have suffered the trauma of abuse ...

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Jeans BeCause – Shakespeare Festival St. Louis

One of our June Jeans BeCause recipients was Shakespeare Festival St. Louis.  Inspired by R. Crosby Kemper, III, the idea of a free Shakespeare festival began in 1997, and with broad civic support Shakespeare Festival St. Louis received 501(c)3 status in December 1999. In 2001 Chairman of the Board Marvin Moskowitz, first Managing Director Lana Pepper, and a visionary Board of community leaders produced the first annual free Shakespeare festival in Forest Park. Since the initial two-week run that attracted ...

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Jeans BeCause – Senior Services Plus

Senior Services Plus, Inc., was established in 1973 after three seniors-Floyd Galliher, Art Steinman and Roy Morrow-realized the need for more senior programs in the Alton area. These three seniors soon formed the Alton Area Senior Citizens Council which has become the present-day Senior Services Plus, Inc.

From its humble beginnings to the present, the agency has gone through one metamorphosis after another, even emerging bigger, bolder, and stronger than before, even in the face of adversity and difficult economic ...

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Legal Services of Eastern Missouri receives donation from Nationwide Private Client and Daniel & Henry

Legal Services of Eastern Missouri (LSEM) has received a $5,000 Partners in Giving donation from Nationwide Private Client in honor of Daniel & Henry Co. The money will help provide high quality civil legal assistance and equal access to justice for low-income people and the elderly in Eastern Missouri.

Private Client is Nationwide’s personal lines carrier focused on the affluent market. Its appointed independent agents are offered an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others with charitable donations ...

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Jeans BeCause – Riverbend Head Start & Family Services

Our March recipient of our Jeans BeCause program was Riverbend Head Start & Family Services.  The mission of Riverbend Head Start & Family Services is to enable children and families to develop the positive skills to meet life’s challenges.

Riverbend Head Start & Family Services is a non-profit agency that provides children living in poverty, or challenged with special circumstances, with an early childhood education through Head Start and Early Head Start programs. They teach preschoolers early math, reading and vocabulary ...

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Jeans BeCause – BCI Help Happens

Our January Jeans BeCause recipient was BCI-Help Happens.  The Boone Center’s Social Mission is to enrich the lives of adults with disabilities and their families by providing a choice of productive and fulfilling employment. Boone Center’s Business Mission is to provide human resources and manage logistics to deliver superior value added processing for our customers through partnership based on trust, quality, reliability and flexibility. When both missions are met they achieve their vision: All people have the opportunity to achieve ...

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Jeans BeCause – Urban Strategies

Our November Jeans Because recipient is Urban Strategies, Inc.  Urban Strategies Inc. is a national nonprofit with extensive experience in implementing place-based human capital development strategies in public housing communities that are undergoing comprehensive physical revitalization. Founded in 1978, Urban Strategies works to help communities build safe neighborhoods, enhanced schools, and a range of comprehensive human service supports. Their work is focused in urban core residential communities and is designed to build social and economic mobility for low-income families living ...

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Jeans BeCause – United Cerebral Palsy Heartland

Our September recipient of our Jeans BeCause program is United Cerebral Palsy Heartland.  Founded in 1953, United Cerebral Palsy Heartland (UCP) is a nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to supporting individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, including Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, physical and developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injury. UCP Heartland is committed to change and progress for children and adults with disabilities, whether it is a disability manifested from birth, the result of an accident or as a ...

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Biggest Winner Challenge – Season 2

Employees at The Daniel and Henry Co. lost another 236 pounds during Season 2 of our Biggest Winner Challenge. Participants paid $20 each with 50% going to the winners and the other 50% to The Humane Society of Missouri. With the 50% for The Humane Society, we purchased lots of items on their wishlist for them. Others in the office also donated items from their wishlist.
In addition, The Humane Society of Missouri was one of our Jeans BeCause ...

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Jeans BeCause – Mission Gate Christian Center, Inc.

Mission Gate Christian Center, Inc., was our August Jeans BeCause recipient.  The vision of Mission Gate Christian Center is threefold:  Regeneration, Rehabilitation and Reintegration.

Mission Gate Prison Ministry was founded in 1985. Conservatively nine out of ten that complete the Mission Gate program, never go back to prison.

The guiding purpose of Mission Gate Christian Center is to feed, clothe, shelter and spiritually counsel Christians and others in need, with the emphasis on assisting the homeless, inmates of correctional institutions, and the ...

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