Many of us have sat through the Emmy Awards looking to spot faces that we recognize – maybe Meryl Strep, Brad Pitt, or Robert DeNiro. Have you ever seen someone you actually know walk the red carpet? The Daniel and Henry Company’s very own Don Norris and his wife Trudy did just that!
At this year’s 2012 Emmy Awards September 23rd, Don and Trudy were guests of American First Insurance – along with many other industry colleagues – and rubbed elbows with famous celebrities on the red carpet. Our noted duo walked off their bus to screams of fans, yelling for autographs from everyone that walked by. Wouldn’t you assume that everyone at the Emmys was a celebrity, too?
As the natural comedian he is, Don did not disappoint the crowd and granted their requests for autographs (although he signed as “Brian”) while Trudy simply autographed a scribbled line. Don passed this photo around the office, saying “Here is what it looks like when stars sign for their fans.” We do have to admit that he and Trudy looked pretty sharp!