The Daniel And Henry Company Presents: Drivers’ Safety And Cell Phones

dh (26)[1]As technology advances, so do the laws that protects motorists and passengers from distracted drivers talking or texting on their cellphones.   The Daniel and Henry Company agrees that cellphone use while behind the wheel should be restricted.  Why should you leave your phone in your pocket while driving? Here are a few reasons to stay disconnected.

  • Risky businessAccording to the Center for Disease Control, distracted drivers cause 15 deaths and over 1,200 injuries DAILY. At least a quarter of polled drivers report that they talk on the cellphone “regularly” while driving. The risk is not worth the reward.
  • Young drivers – Novice drivers are often held to a stricter standard when it comes to using a cellphone while driving. For example, Michigan has just banned all cellphone use for level one and two drivers on January 8th. Not sure if your state enforces cellphone bans for novice drivers? Find out here.
  • Boss says so – Many companies are going as far as banning employees from making business calls while they are driving. The New York Times reports that oil giant Shell International has had a company-wide ban on using cellphones irresponsibly since 2002, making them a pioneer in preserving their employees’ safety.

Before you find yourself behind the wheel in an automobile accident, make sure that you are covered. The majority of consumers believe all automobile insurance policies are the same. Unfortunately, it is only after an accident that they realize they are not!   Contact an insurance professional at The Daniel and Henry Co. to get the coverage you deserve.