Daniel And Henry Co. Presents – Preparing Your Home For Spring

dh (27)[1]With the worst of the cold weather and winter storms soon to be behind us, homeowners everywhere are beginning to ready their home for warmer temperatures and spring storms. What exactly do you need to do to prepare your household? The Daniel and Henry Co. has prepared a simple checklist for homeowners to get their home spring-proofed.

Although you probably spent a lot of time indoors the past few months, there is still work to be done inside. Our homes’ interiors may have faced a little neglect during the winter months, but the few things on our checklist are quick fixes.

Check your HVAC. It will soon be times to switch from the heater to the air conditioner. Be sure that you are not stuck with a broken HVAC on the first hot day of the year by checking that it is running properly in advance.

Clean lint out of your clothes dryer. Simple enough – a buildup of lint can cause a fire in your home, so be sure to check this as the seasons change.

Evaluating the exterior of your home may require a little more effort, but unless there are any red flags, this is a task you should be able to perform on your own.

Inspect your roof. Blistering winter months can often cause the shingles on your roof to loosen or break. With the unpredictable Midwest storms we have experienced the past few springs, it is best to prepare for those with a fully intact roof.

Clean your gutters. Those same winter winds that may have damaged your roof may also have blown debris and other muck into your gutters, preventing proper drainage. When rainfall cannot drain from your roof, the standing water can cause damage and lower the life expectancy of it.

Examine your downspouts. All water should drain away from your house. Water that gathers around your foundation can cause flooding and other damage to your home.

No matter how much a homeowner can prepare their home, sometimes Mother Nature can still cause damage – is your property covered? If you would like to talk about your homeowner’s insurance coverage with one of our risk management professionals, contact us for more information.